Raffaela “Lina” Critelli
January 20, 1939 ~ March 30, 2020 (age 81)
Raffaela “Lina” Critelli (nee Critelli) 81, of Jersey City, passed away on Monday, March 30, 2020. Born in Calabria, Italy, Lina immigrated to Jersey City in 1963 and settled in the Marion Section. She was a proud resident of the Marion Section and a devout parishioner of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Jersey City.
At the annual feast, Lina would work tirelessly selling 50/50 raffles and would also bake for church functions. Everyone enjoyed her cooking and she was very popular in the neighborhood. She had an infectious laugh and smile and was known for her generous and gracious demeanor toward her fellow parishioners and neighbors. She loved cooking, gardening, sewing and watching wrestling.
Lina was the beloved wife of the late William Critelli; devoted mother of AnnaMaria Critelli and William Critelli, Jr.; dear sister of Teresa, Sylvia, Vincenzo and Virginio of Italy and the late Lucia, Maria, and Arturina; also survived by many loving nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic and CDC guidelines, visitation in the funeral home and entombment at Holy Cross Chapel Mausoleum in North Arlington is private.

The Blessed Sacrament may be received by Catholics who have undergone First Holy Communion as part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist during Mass. Catholics believe that the soul of the person receiving the Eucharist must be in a “state of grace”.
Today Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church in Jersey City sadly said goodbye, and until later in heaven, to one of our beloved parishioners who has departed to rest in Christ, Her name was Lina Critelli. Lina loved her parish. She lived across the street and it was very convenient for her to come to mass every Saturday evening.
She was a faithful parishioner who loved to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist. According to our Catholic theology, the host, after the Rite of Consecration, is no longer bread, but Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, who is transubstantiated in it. We Catholics believe that Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God prefigured in the Old Testament Passover. Unless the flesh of that Passover sacrificial lamb was consumed, the members of the household would not be saved from death. As the Passover was the Old Covenant, so the Eucharist became the New Covenant. (Matt 26:26-28), (Mark 14:22-24), (Luke 22: 19-20), and (John 6:48-58).
I witness that Lina believed this in her heart and it was her priority every Saturday evening to come to receive Holy Communion. Lina also loved to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, she cheered others to participate in the feast as she never missed one herself. The community of Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church at the Marion section of Jersey City will miss Lina tremendously.
Today at 12:30 p.m., Riotto Funeral Home on their way to the cemetery, paused with the family of Lina and Lina and Lina’s casket to the front of the Church. At that time I rang Church’s bell and Blessed her casket and her family with the Blessed Sacrament from the Church’s doors.
Immediately, The Blessed Sacrament which can also be exposed (displayed) on an altar in a monstrance was displayed and in memory of Lina, a small video with a eulogy was dedicated in honor and respect of the years of service and faithfulness of this great parishioner Lina toward Our Church.
We ask the community of our Lady of Mt Carmel to please keep Lina’s family in your prayers. May God continue to bless you all as we undergo these difficult days of this pandemic of COVID-19 coronavirus and everyone please be safe – stay at home as instructed.
In Christ the Lord,
Your Pastor,
Fr Pedro Repollet